Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This lack of oxygen leads to other parts of the body down.

Pneumonia is a condition that causes the lungs become inflamed as a result of bacterial, fungal or viral infection. Typically, people light filter any germs that are now inhale with the air breathed. Pneumonia occurs when these germs find a way into the lungs, causing light air bags to be filled with pus and fluid. As a result, a number of symptoms, usually related respiratory diseases. Partial pneumonia: is when all the infected area of ​​lung. Bronchial pneumonia: when a patch over both lungs become infected. When a person is suffering from pneumonia, oxygen in the blood slows down. This lack of oxygen leads to other parts of the body down. As the infection continues to spread more and more parts of the body begin to stop functioning properly, which can ultimately lead to death. Pneumonia can be very serious disease for people aged 65 and older, young children and infants, and persons with chronic health problems or weakened. Symptoms of pneumonia can vary in intensity, where they can start soft and gradually increase to intolerable conditions. Pneumonia can be easily confused with >> << as provided in many ways similar symptoms. Those suffering, suffering from constant attacks of coughing, chest pain, fever and difficulty breathing should seek medical advice. Persons who have a higher risk of pneumonia becomes a life-threatening condition and should seek medical attention immediately after the first signs and symptoms of pneumonia. While there can be many causes of pneumonia, the most common viruses or bacteria present in the environment of people. For example, bacteria that live in the face of the nose, mouth or sinuses can spread to the lungs, and one can directly inhale the germs in their lungs. Pneumonia caused by microbes that have arisen in the course of normal, every day of the event is called pneumonia. This form of pneumonia is usually easy to treat and does not require hospitalization. However, severe pneumonia can be strattera a serious problem, especially in the medical establishment. This type of pneumonia called health pneumonia, and can be caused by these bacteria:

These are some bacteria that can cause health pneumonia. What makes this type of pneumonia so difficult to treat that microbes that cause infections are likely to be drug-resistant, making treatment more difficult. In hospitals, the main task is to determine what is causing the infection to help determine the most effective

First, the doctor will listen to your lungs with stethoscope. The doctor may ask you to cough, to determine whether your breathing appears affected. After listening to your breathing, your doctor may choose to order additional tests. Medical specialists used chest radiography for the diagnosis of pneumonia. This procedure can determine whether there is any liquid accumulates in the lungs and respiratory or models appear broken. Health professionals may have to drain the excess fluid to facilitate the flow of air. It is important that you consult a doctor and get tested right away. If you suspect that you have pneumonia, you should not expect to see a doctor and the treatment. Treatment at home is also a viable option for those who are strong enough to recover themselves. The doctor prescribe antibiotics to be used in conjunction with home care. Other tips home treatment your doctor may recommend include:

Avoid cough and cold medicines. Coughing can really help with pneumonia, as it helps to clear any mucus from the lungs. Take antibiotics regularly. Those being treated at home should not miss any doses and should continue to take antibiotics until they completely disappear, even if symptoms are on the decline. Breathe warm, moist air to release mucus. Humidifier or a warm, wet towel placed on the nose and mouth may help if the patient feels that he or she is suffocating. Do not smoke. Not only that smoking increases the risk of pneumonia, it allows a more serious symptoms. In fact, everything in the house should refrain from smoking while pneumonia patient recovery. Drink 6 to 10 cups of healthy liquids. This includes tea, juices and water, alcohol not be used during recovery. Rest as much as possible. If you sleep at night is a problem because of pneumonia symptoms, frequent nap should be taken during the day. (For those looking for information about the pneumococcal vaccination, read

Treatment can begin after a doctor has determined whether the patient requires hospitalization. Those with weakened immune systems due to serious illness, suffering severe symptoms , and others with an increased risk to health is likely to need hospitalization for pneumonia.

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