Antibiotics are one of the greatest successes of modern medicine. It is one step from the discovery of vaccination, and
understanding that you should not confuse your drinking water and toilet water
. Of course, antibiotics can have some side effects
As with all drugs. But their benefits are huge. However, some people mistakenly believe the opposite. In fact >> <<, many people also believe that by mistake
antibiotics at all costs should not be combined with any alcohol. In truth, the effects of mixing antibiotics and alcohol can
differ from certain antibiotics. There is a version that explaines, why people think so. When
Second World War penicillin was tested for infected wounds. Because it was short, she had to be recovered from the urine of patients >> << for future use. Many soldiers restoration strattera 10mg
in field hospitals were allowed to drink beer as a promotion >>. << This increased amount of urine and made the process of acquiring penicillin
much more, so the commander >> << officer prevent these troops to drink beer, and this led to the
thought that alcohol should be banned in combination with antibiotics. Alcohol does not reduce the potency of most antibiotics. However,
antibiotics and alcohol can stimulate similar side effects
such as dizziness, drowsiness or stomach upset. When you mix
antibiotics and alcohol, these side effects may become more
intensive. Rarely, alcohol may reduce the effectiveness of specific >> << antibiotics - such as doxycycline. This means that you have
take higher doses to achieve the same result of treatment. Only a few antibiotics - metronidazole, tinidazole and
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole - should not be combined with alcohol >> << because it can lead to more severe reactions. It is even
small amount of alcohol with these antibiotics can cause bad
side effects such as headache, nausea and vomiting, flashes
fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, etc. Remember that some
mouthwashes also contain alcohol. So read labels carefully and avoid
these products, when you take these antibiotics. Alcohol can reduce the absorption of other antibiotics -
doxycyclines and tetracyclines. But this interaction is well known

doctors and pharmacists. Remember that alcohol can reduce your energy and put
recovery from illness. So you can try to avoid alcohol for
you feel better. .
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