First of its kind in Canada! t said that propolis is the most natural antibiotic man
never found. The most interesting thing in this statement is that
this discovery occurred about 2000 years ago. Many people probably
not even heard of propolis, and yet, ancient herbal books
proposed Propolis for numerous complaints. Bactericidal properties
these drugs are known from the beginning of written history. (Photo by B. Dingens)
use Propolis in popular medicine until goesback
long time. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans reported the use of propolis
on the general healing properties and for the treatment of some lesions
skin. In the 12th century in Europe, folk remedy prescribed
important in Propolis certain drugs for external use >>. << However, it was only in the last twenty years, scientists
failed to prove that propolis is active and important as our ancestors
thinking. Propolis is now considered an important part of nutrition and >> << natural treatment of health care. His popularity constantly
increases, due to its features. The concentration of flavonoids
seems to be responsible for most of the antibiotic effect of propolis >>. << Flavonoids have many powerful therapeutic effects. Forty-one
these substances have been recognized by science. Flavonoids stimulate hair growth, and improvethe address
blood. They also stimulate elimination of urine, bile, and
internal secretion. It is a well known fact that the internal secretion,
to places like the thymus gland, thyroid, pancreas and adrenal glands
has a positive effect on the body as a whole. Flavonoids
not only antibacterial purchase strattera substance, they are also active
treat ulcers, rheumatism, colds and flu syndrome Irritable >> << stomachs and certain breathing problems. Those products are also useful for some chronic diseases such >> << as stress and problems with joints. This gives an additional dimension
performance. Propolis is by its nature, gives us the most
powerful and versatile addition in addition to our food. All >> << around the world, doctors were amazed at the power of propolis. We are only at the beginning of the story, as the healing possibilities of Propolis
seems limited. Origin of bees collect propolis our resin as basic material for kidneys

poplar, birch, pine, etc. After chewing gum
bees, and with the addition of saliva and other substances formed. The finished product calledPropolis. Propolis is of vital importance for
survival of bees. It not only protects th
from disease, but also on climate change, such as wind and
cold. more than 100 substances of propolis are 50-55% resins and balsams, 30% wax, 5% fixed >> << substances, such as ball, fats, amino acids, organic acids, esters
consists of alcohol, the elements Disputes and trace elements, such as
iron, copper, manganese, zinc, aminocids, volatile and antibiotics
plus a high content of vitamins B, E, C, D, E, and provitamin A >> << . pollen is from 4 to 10% in the product. Propolis is an age old remedy that gets much attention >> << lately. It is widely used in the now defunct Warsaw Pact
andPropolis of well-known in the Netherlands, France,
Germany and Belgium. That is not so well known abroad. More information about the product propolis,
, or a list of interesting books to read on this topic << >> Write us at:. >> <<
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